On and Off the Wall–an AAUW Guide to Public Art in Prescott.
Prescott is fortunate to have dozens of examples of sculpture, memorials, and murals in public places, easy to find and interesting to study. The Scholarship Committee has prepared a guide which includes descriptions and locations of some of these pieces throughout Prescott, so contributors can plan walking or driving adventures to appreciate them for the first time or re-visit favorites.
The guide, entitled Art On and Off the Wall, will be available for a contribution of $25 beginning on Friday, Sept. 17. It can be downloaded onto an electronic device for viewing or printing. To make a contribution online use the following link: https://www.yc.edu/aauwart To make a contribution by check, the check should be made payable to Yavapai College Foundation and mailed to AAUW-Prescott, PO Box 10881 Prescott, AZ 86304. Non-members must include their email addresses to receive a link to the guide.
All proceeds will go to the AAUW Centennial Scholarship at Yavapai College, which is awarded to women students pursuing a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields.