Photography Group

Chris Maxwell
Gayle Shay
Gail Shay

Leaders: Gail Shay and Chris Maxwell


The AAUW Photography Interest Group currently meets via Zoom once a month, on the 3rd Thursday from 10-12 AM and is open to any member who is interested in improving her/his photographic skills. Members share up to 5 digital images reflecting recent photos taken using a wide variety of cameras: point and shoot, smartphones, pro-sumer, and high end DSLRs. Our emphasis is on improvement with gentle critique.

The Group Leader will send an e-mail reminder before the monthly meeting identifying the assigned subject, the person responsible for organizing the photos, the deadline to submit your photos, and the meeting location.

2024 Photo Group Schedule

2024Photo Assignment(s)Discussion Topic(s)Photo OrganizerImages Due
Jan. 18Photographer's ChoiceWabi Sabi/Japanese asthetics (Gail)ChrisSun. Jan. 14
Feb. 15Guilty PleasuresAI Photography (Melinda)MarthaSun. Feb. 11
March 21 - postponed
April 18Filthy Dead Crap/Faded BeautyArchitectural Photography (Stephanie)StephanieSun. April 14
May 16IdiomsMelindaSun. May 12
June 20Try Something NewUnusual Effects (Chris) & Staying Focused (Stephanie)ChrisSun. June 16
July 18What's Your Niche?Photographer Steve McCurry (Marj)GailSun. July 14
Aug. 15AbstractsUpside Down Photography (Martha)StephanieSun. Aug. 11
Sept. 19Doors & Windows (hardware included)Bring interesting photo to talk about (all)MarthaSun. Sept. 15
Oct. 17Circles and CurvesFinding Meaning in Abstracts (Melinda)BarbSun. Oct. 13
Nov. 21Pareidolia (perceiving shapes out of randomness)Photo Assignments for next year (all)MelindaSun. Nov. 17