Project 2025 Information

Project 2025
By now you’ve undoubtedly heard much about Project 2025, a 900 page governing agenda that is overseen by the Heritage Foundation. Project 2025 focuses on four main areas: policy, personnel, training, and a playbook. Regardless of one’s political party affiliation, there are reasons to be concerned about this plan. It fundamentally changes the checks and balances of our democracy, putting more power in the executive branch. It addresses policy issues related to immigration, health choices, climate change, the non-partisan nature of federal agencies, LBGTQ+ rights and many more. A few relevant highlights from Project 2025:

  • Reproductive Rights – Whereas the plan does not call for a national abortion ban, it would make changes for the approval of and access to abortion pills, emergency contraception, and affect the care received for those in the military and their families.
  • Education – Change to or elimination of the U.S. Department of Education, as well as cutting low-income and early childhood education programs.
  • Environment – Changes to environmental and climate change protections.

These are only three of the many issues discussed in Project 2025.  To read the document itself or for further information about what Project 2025 is, follow these links:
Project 2025 (Document itself)
What Is Project 2025 (Washington Post summary)