AAUW National Logo

AAUW advances equity for women and girls
through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.

The W in our logo is for Women. This reinforces our focus on education and equity for women and girls. The parallel lines in our logo represent the concept of Equity.

Vision Statement

AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Diversity Statement

AAUW, founded in 1881, is open to all graduates who hold an associate’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university. In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership.There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or class.

AAUW Funds

AAUW Funds is a national program consisting of funds established to support national programs and grants: leaership programs, legal advocacy programs for women facing discrimination, educational opportunities for women – especially post-graduate fellowships, public policy programs, and grants for research projects regarding experiences of girls and women. Contributions to these funds are tax deductible.

Tax Exempt Status

AAUW is a nationwide network of more than 100,000 members and donors, over 1,600 branches, and university partners.  The organization includes both a Section 501(c)(3) public charity and a Section 501(c)(4) social welfare orangization.  The Prescott Branch is tax exempt under 501(c)(4) and therefore does not qualify for tax deductible contributions.