Beginning in 2004 the Prescott branch instituted the “Mover and Shaker” award to honor a member each year who works tirelessly on branch initiatives and is a leader in the branch. It honors a person who gives of her time selflessly to further the work of the branch in our community and to help it grow through her leadership, special projects, and involvement in all aspects of the branch.
The 2022 recipient of the Mover and Shaker Award is Lenore Hemphill.
A member since 2016, Lenore was the Rookie of the Year in 2017 and hasn’t stopped to look back since. Lenore is Co-Director of the Communications Team, assembles and prints our Membership Directory with Connie During (this year’s Rookie) and works tirelessly to set up Reality Store events. Additionally, she assists with the AV at our general meetings and sets up our AAUW banner at those meetings.
Lenore has proven to be well-organized, adept at communicating with various members of AAUW, and a steady, professional presence in all that she does. How glad we are that she is a part of our organization.